The Second Mover Advantage: How You Can Win
In business, we call the first person to test out a new technology in their given market "the first mover"
For example, the first mover for selling books on the internet was a company called Bookstacks. They actually beat to market by a full year!
While I might sound like a benefit, I can promise you this:
Being the first mover sucks.
l've done it. You're basically having to lay down all the groundwork and pray something works. You have no roadmap, and you're a lost little duck in the world. You're hoping for a miracle that you can actually make money off of this new technology.
This is why you've never heard of Bookstacks, but you now use Amazon all the time!
Now, being the last mover is even worse.
Everything is so crowded you can barely breathe. There's no room to enter the market.
That's why the second mover has the biggest advantage. When a new technology debuts, the second mover is very early to market, but can learn from the first movers mistakes.
And that's where you are at, right now, with Al.
Let's say you want to write a book, or make a course, about how to play guitar.
There are plenty of courses that teach this, but I know for a fact that you can still break into this market.
I recently had a student of mine do so, and absolutely crush it.
But with the advent of AI making it easier to create these courses, the market will eventually get flooded.
If there are 387 online courses right now about how to play the guitar, then that’s not much supply for the demand of customers around the world.
In a year there will be 50X that amount because of AI.
It’s going to get harder and harder to breakthrough… but what if you could get a stronghold on the market right now. Before the influx, and still be able to use the technology that will eventually flood the market.
By the time that market is flooded, you could have thousands of customers and tens of thousands of leads.
I know it’s possible, because I’ve done this over and over. With the internet back in 2007, and with video games in 2011, and crypto in 2018.
And I can, with complete confidence, tell you this:
All of those other huge technical (and marketing) shifts PALE in comparison to what you are about to see unfold with AI.
I live in Silicon Valley, know this scene well, and can absolutely tell you things are about to change significantly.
Now is the time to grab your piece of the pie. It could easily be too late in 6 months or a year.