Trey Smith Book
Learn How You Can Turn A.I. Into The Ultimate Revenue Generator:
I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out...
Imagine this.

You have a machine that takes one dollar bills. Whenever you put one it, it spits two dollars back out.

How many times would you feed that machine one dollar bills? Or better yet…

How LONG would you sit in front of that machine? Probably hours, right?

What if every time you put in one dollar, it spit out five dollars? Well, I bet you’d sit around all day shoving as much cash as possible into that machine.

That’s insane, and this is all imaginary…. Right?
Wrong! This Machine DOES Exist And I Can Prove It To You Right Now.
I’ve built a few "money machines" in my time, and typically it works like this.

1. You build a little online sales funnel. When someone enters the funnel, they end up buying stuff from you. Like, this book for example, this is a new money machine I’m making right now.

2. You spend one dollar to get them into your funnel, and you get two dollars back after they buy some stuff.

In fact, it can even be a LOT MORE than that.

For example, yesterday I spent $2,532 on my money machine and made back $18,193.

Here’s proof:
And here's how much we made the same day:
Not a bad day, right?

And this money machine is pretty consistent. Yes, $18k is higher than average for a single day, but we’ve been steady averaging $30k a week for months now.

Pretty cool but…
The Best Part?
We’re Doing ALL Of This With AI!
That’s right. We’re building the products with AI, selling upsells with AI, and even making ads that you’ll see on Facebook and Instagram with AI.

In fact, we’ve made FOURTEEN ADS this week that are full video ads of me, that look like this and sound identical to me:
Normally, it would have taken me forever to make 14 ad videos, but we’ve got a team crushing out multiple per day.

ALL with AI… heck even my funnel pages (and sales pages like this one) are created with AI! If I had to guess, you probably found this page because of an AI generated ad.

Everything we’re doing is automated and scales…
Right Now THIs In The Most Insane Opportunity You Will Probably Ever See
You've heard it before, and you know it… it’s probably why you’re here right now.

This whole AI thing is bigger than mobile, bigger than crypto ever wished it could be. Heck, it’s bigger than the internet.

We’ve never seen technology spread this fast, and I’m a firm believer this is the last great technological push of our times (at least that we can grab hold of like this).

Here’s what I mean:

Right now this stuff works because it’s not saturated. Heck, did you know only 2% of the population has used ChatGPT?

We are insanely early. And in 5 years times, or maybe 5 MONTHS time, that won’t be the case.

This stuff is catching on quickly.

As the niche you’re in gets more saturated, you’ll see more AI generated books, courses, and content, and I have a sneaky suspicion it won’t convert as well.

Think of it this way:

Let’s say right now there are 50 online courses about your niche. In 6 months time, there could be 5,000.

Now, if you get out there early and gain marketshare QUICKLY, then it won’t matter. You’ll have a customer lists that’s a mile long, be on the cutting edge forefront of making content, and a known expert in your industry.

In fact, that’s what we’re doing right now with the whole “AI Marketing Space”.

Cornering that market early, making tons of great content, and building a brand before it gets crowded.

That’s what you should do to, but the question is always, “Well, how do I do it?”.
... and learn how to launch and run your own Money Machine.
This Book Teaches You Everything About Building An AI MONEY MACHINE
It doesn’t matter what niche or market you’re in, this book will show you how to make a money machine just like we’ve done.

It’s step by step and VERY deliberate. You’ll learn every tool we use, every trick we know, and exactly how to build a following, scale with great content, and automate the whole process!

You’ll learn how to use AI to build GREAT books and courses (not the drivel you see on the Kindle store) and then how to run ads successfully with my own custom system that gets sales.

You’ll learn how to setup a funnel that converts like crazy, and how to automate every process with AI — from your ads, to your product, to your sales pages and more.

It’s 97 pages long, and it’s the most detailed book I’ve ever written on the subject.

Here’s A Taste Of What’s Inside
This book is broken down into 4 core sections:

  • Section 1: Building AI Books As Front End Offers
  • Section 2: Creating Courses with AI – The Perfect Upsell
  • Section 3: Using AI to Build Your Web Pages & Funnel
  • Section 4: Getting Massive Traffic With Facebook Ads

In these four sections, you’ll learn every tactic we use to create AI generated content, build pages, get sales and drive traffic.


  • Unlock AI's potential to craft irresistible front-end offers.
  • Discover the game-changing secret of low-cost book marketing to captivate your customers.
  • Transform into a published author with zero writing, all thanks to AI.
  • Tap into the power of turning casual readers into committed customers.
  • Create stellar content in a snap with the power of AI.
  • Forge trust like never before with AI-driven offers.
  • Unravel the mystique of online course creation and promotion with AI.
  • Discover the covert strategies of content generation top marketers keep hidden.
  • Fine-tune your course structure using tailor-made tools.
  • Design stunning, persuasive web pages powered by AI.
  • Generate compelling sales copy in an instant.
  • Utilize clandestine AI tools to craft high converting web images.
  • Turn site visitors into eager buyers with AI-optimized landing pages.
  • Master the art of supercharging Facebook Ads using AI.
  • Unveil the secret of creating jaw-dropping video ads.
  • Supercharge your ads' click-through and conversion rates with AI.
  • Pinpoint your audience on Facebook with sniper-like precision using AI.
  • Scale your ads and reach more prospects without draining your budget.
  • Optimize your ads to peak performance with the power of AI.
  • And much more!
As you can see, this book really has everything that you need, and I think you’ll be shocked when you read it.


Because it doesn't sound like it was written by a robot. As you’ll see, it will sound much like the letter you’re reading right now, and it will be dynamic, interesting, and hopefully even a little funny at times.

The secret is written in the book, and I’ll show you how to have AI create interesting — and non-robotic — products for you too.
In the book, I’ll teach you the three types of products AI can currently build for you:

1. A book (like the one I’m selling)
2. An audio course
3. A video course
4. An AI Sales Funnel
5. How to run Facebook Ads
6. Turn all of this into a Money Machine
We’ll walk through each of these examples, and I’ll show you how ALL THREE are possible to build within the 24 hour time frame I’ve set.

And again, I know it’s possible because I chose the hardest one and did it myself.

This book is 90 pages long, filled text, stories, and most importantly actionable content that will get you results.

Who Can This Book Help?

I’ve bene lucky enough to build a substantial information product business over the years. My first one was teaching people how to play piano, and the largest one was helping CEO’s reach their goals.

All in all, I’ve sold information products in over 20 different niches ranging from persuasion to video games.

And that’s why I made sure this book could help you, regardless of what you’re wanting to teach people.

This book was specifically built to help people with interests like…

  • Health and fitness: Weight loss, nutrition, exercise routines, etc
  • Personal development: Self-improvement, productivity, etc
  • Making money: Digital marketing, freelancing, etc
  • Dating: Dating advice, relationship improvement, etc
  • Parenting: Pregnancy, homeschooling, etc
  • Hobbies and interests: Photography, cooking, gardening, etc
  • Beauty and fashion: Skincare, makeup, haircare, and fashion tips.
  • Spirituality: Personal growth, spiritual healing, etc
  • Investing: Stock market, cryptocurrencies, etc
  • Career and business: Entrepreneurship, management, etc
  • Technology: Programming, graphic design, etc
  • Travel: Budget travel, Adventures, etc
  • Pets: Dog training, pet care, and breeding.
  • Crafts: DIY projects, sewing, etc
  • Home improvement: Interior design, renovations, etc
  • Alternative medicine: Herbal remedies, aromatherapy, etc1
  • Sports and outdoors: Training, coaching, etc

If you’ve got a product idea - or an inclination - in an area like this, then this book is for you.

The Money Machine Could be the push you need to get you over the edge.

Learn every weird AI tool, trick and tactic, we're using to crush it right now inside The Money Machine.
This Book Has Everything You Need
To Crush It
…and I can’t wait to send it to you.

As for the price, I don’t really care about charging a lot for this.

The truth is, I own the AI product I’m using for this sales funnel, so it helps me just to get the word out. You find out about me, that's cool, I hope you learn a ton.

Most books I buy on Amazon are about $14, but they’re also a long read.

This is not.

This is a quick read.

You can nail through The Money Machine in an afternoon or two easy, and I made it like that on purpose.

As you’ll see, I just present the facts in this thing. I’m not here to include a ton of filler so you feel like “you got your money’s worth”.

Instead, I just want to give you the important stuff, that you can use to build your own AI Money Machine tonight.

That’s it.
Here’s What To Do Next
The cost of the book is only $3.99.

Yes, it's a whole $2 cheaper than my last book. Why? Man, I have no clue, just curious if it will convert better.

We'll find out, and I'm happy to share the results.

Anyways, under four bucks seemed cheap, doable, and I think anyone who is serious can afford to spend that instead half of a coke the next time you go to the movies.

So listen... If you are interested in launching a automated AI business - then click below to order now!

You won't see another like book like this offered, I can promise you that. I don't know anyone else teaching this stuff, and it's working like wildfire right now.

Also, if you know me at all, you'll know I don't keep my stuff available for long. My last book sold 5,000 copies and then I pulled it down after 2 months.


I don't know, I have ADD (and surely a few other three letter disorders). I end up making a lot of content and pulling down stuff fast. Regardless, this absolutely won't be available long.

If you want to launch something fast, and like me you don’t want to spend weeks doing it, then this book might be for you.

Regardless, thanks for checking it out!

Trey Smith

P.S. - We've included both a PDF version of the book and an ePub version that you can use on your Amazon Kindle or Apple Books. Super easy to read, grab it below...
Grab a copy before it's gone!
About The Author: Trey Smith
Trey Smith is an experienced entrepreneur with a passion for education. He is the founder of Game Academy®, the largest online course company that has helped over 7,000 people create video games. Trey also founded Buildbox®, the largest no-code game software in Silicon Valley, which he successfully exited in 2019. Most recently, Trey has co-founded and AutoFunnel.AI with his longtime friend and business partner, Nik Rudenko.

Trey's entrepreneurial journey began with a simple course teaching people how to play the piano. Since then, he has focused on creating information products, software, and video games. Drawing on his vast knowledge and experience, Trey now helps others achieve their dream of starting an online business.
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