Trey Smith Book

What If You Could Launch A New Product In Literally 24 Hours From Now?…
A complete product like an online course or book, your marketing materials, ad images, ad copy, sales page, sales copy, checkout pages, upsell pages, and more.

All done before you eat dinner tomorrow and generating revenue.
sold out

The Truth Is This
If I would have told you this was possible a year ago... you might have thought I'd taken a bucketload of crazy pills.

In fact, even 6 months ago it would have taken the average person a month or more to build all this out.

But with the advent of AI, and the insane progress we’ve seen recently, it’s possible to do it in a single day.

How do I know? Because I just did it!
You’re Looking At The Proof Right Here!
The book I’m selling right now is honestly great.

I’ve sold over 20,000 copies of my books, and I think this is the best one I’ve ever written. This sales page is pretty great too, and it's converting at over 8% which is amazing for cold traffic.

What’s insane is all of this and more was created in the past 24 hours of me publishing this page.

That includes the product shots of the book, the book itself, this sales copy, and even the ad images and videos you saw that brought you here.

All of it made in 24 hours flat, and in the book you’ll see the step by step ways I did it.
How AI Has Changed Everything
(And What You Should Do About It)
I’m going to be completely honest with you. It took me 11.5 hours to complete everything that you’re seeing. That’s including coming up with the book name, the idea, writing the whole 90 page thing, and making the full sales funnels (complete with upsells so I can get profitable on these ads).

Now, here’s the thing.

The last book I made sold 23,000 copies and made about $750,000 in a month. So if I can repeat even a fraction of that, then it’s going to be the best 11.5 hours I’ve probably spent in my life.

The difference is, that last book took weeks to make and it wasn’t half as good as this one. Now, if you’ve played with AI for a minute, then you probably are asking yourself, “Trey, how can you say that? AI sort of puts out robot sounding crap”.

You’re not wrong, it totally does, and it’s why this book is so damn important for you to read.

AI is great, but you have to know how to harness it’s power. It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it type of product quite yet.

They’ll probably get there, but it’s not like that right now.

… and thank god.

Because the second it IS like that, then the party is over.

Here’s what I mean:
You Are Living In An Unprecedented Time
I’ve been around the block a few times.

I was here for the dawn of internet marketing and Google Adwords, and was early enough to catch it with vast supply and little demand. I was 27 years old and made millions from it. That was the first wave.

The second wave was mobile, and again, I was super early. I built a game business with more than 100,000,000 downloads because I launched my game when the app store wasn’t even a year old yet.

Once again, being early to the party before it got crowded created another 7-figure business in a new market.

Maybe you’re seeing a pattern here, but just in case I want to make it super clear:

When there is new technology, it’s crucial to enter in the sector when the supply is low and the demand is high.

Right now, we’re at that crossroads.

Right this second, if you know how to use AI correctly, then you can build an amazing business and get it seen. The market isn’t flooded yet, but It’s about to happen.

… Just like the app store.

I remember when there were 20,000 apps on the app store. That’s when I released my first one. You know how many there are today? Well over 2,000,000.

You think it’s harder now to make money with apps than in 2008?

Most definitely. That’s why you don’t see me doing it anymore.
Grab your copy now!

... and learn how to launch your next business in 24 hours.
The Second Mover Advantage: How You Can Win

In business, we call the first person to test out a new technology in their given market "the first mover"

For example, the first mover for selling books on the internet was a company called Bookstacks. They actually beat to market by a full year!

While I might sound like a benefit, I can promise you this:

Being the first mover sucks.

l've done it. You're basically having to lay down all the groundwork and pray something works. You have no roadmap, and you're a lost little duck in the world. You're hoping for a miracle that you can actually make money off of this new technology.

This is why you've never heard of Bookstacks, but you now use Amazon all the time!

Now, being the last mover is even worse.

Everything is so crowded you can barely breathe. There's no room to enter the market.

That's why the second mover has the biggest advantage. When a new technology debuts, the second mover is very early to market, but can learn from the first movers mistakes.

And that's where you are at, right now, with Al.

Here's what I mean:

Let's say you want to write a book, or make a course, about how to play guitar.

There are plenty of courses that teach this, but I know for a fact that you can still break into this market.


I recently had a student of mine do so, and absolutely crush it.

But with the advent of AI making it easier to create these courses, the market will eventually get flooded.

If there are 387 online courses right now about how to play the guitar, then that’s not much supply for the demand of customers around the world.

In a year there will be 50X that amount because of AI.

It’s going to get harder and harder to breakthrough… but what if you could get a stronghold on the market right now. Before the influx, and still be able to use the technology that will eventually flood the market.

By the time that market is flooded, you could have thousands of customers and tens of thousands of leads.

I know it’s possible, because I’ve done this over and over. With the internet back in 2007, and with video games in 2011, and crypto in 2018.

And I can, with complete confidence, tell you this:

All of those other huge technical (and marketing) shifts PALE in comparison to what you are about to see unfold with AI.

I live in Silicon Valley, know this scene well, and can absolutely tell you things are about to change significantly.

Now is the time to grab your piece of the pie. It could easily be too late in 6 months or a year.
How To Take Advantage Of This Insane Opportunity

So we’re lucky to be here, now how can we take advantage of the position we’re in?

Well, I can tell you what I tell the 30 employees I have in my companies: The trick is to move extremely fast during huge technological shifts like this.

But don’t take my word for it, let’s hear it from some of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time:
"Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough."
(source: Facebook blog, 2011)
Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook
"If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."
(source: TechCrunch, 2009)
Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn
"The faster you iterate, the faster you will converge on something that works.”
(source: Reddit AMA, 2015)
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, Twitter and SpaceX

Grab your copy now!

... and learn how to launch your next business in 24 hours.

Now that we know executing extremely fast is the key to starting a new business, let’s talk about how to do it with this book.

Inside Launch It! I’ve broken the book down into three core sections:

Section 1 - Using AI To Brainstorm & Create Ideas

Section 2 - Building Products With AI

Section 3 - AI Sales Funnel Automation

Each of these sections is filled with very specific advice on how to come up with ideas, build products and create automated sales funnels, all with AI doing every bit of the heavy lifting.

You’ll hear about many specific examples I’ve used in my business, and learn all the weird little tools I use. Some of them you’ll know about, and others will be a complete surprise (The tool I use the most I bought from someone on reddit after chatting with him!).

Let me give you a taste of what you’ll learn in this book:

  • Only 2.5% of the world's population has used AI, learn how to harness the power during these early days.

  • Master my "Model and Improve" strategy to dominate your industry by reverse engineering and optimizing competitors' methods.

  • Unleash the power of AI for brainstorming—unlock market insights, assess competition, and verify sources like a pro.

  • Dive into real-life examples like my journey to create a music production course with AI doing the heavy lifting.

  • Unlock the full potential of AI for idea generation and product inspiration, beyond basic art creation.

  • Learn the secret to finding the right AI prompts for mind-blowing results.

  • Witness the power of remixing ideas, like blending supercars and synthesizers, to create unique and memorable brand images.

  • Discover how AI can help you generate futuristic designs, like creating a cutting-edge website that stands out — and then bring it to life

  • The internet is smaller: Establish a solid social media presence to stand out in the crowd using AI images

  • AI-generated video ads: Combine these three weird AI tools to create eye-catching videos without your voice or face.

  • Steal, but with a twist: Take inspiration from competitors but “spin” it with AI

  • Move fast, not perfect: Launch your product quickly, even if it's not perfect, and why that will make you win

  • The AI secrets I use to create high converting sales copy like you're reading right now

  • "I've cracked the code": Discover the secret techniques I use for high lead page conversions

  • Generate winning headlines and variations with AI - saving you time and headaches.

  • How to build complete online sales funnels with AI - design and all - with a single click

  • And much, much more…

As you can see, this book really has everything that you need, and I think you’ll be shocked when you read it.


Because it doesn't sound like it was written by a robot. As you’ll see, it will sound much like the letter you’re reading right now, and it will be dynamic, interesting, and hopefully even a little funny at times.

The secret is written in the book, and I’ll show you how to have AI create interesting — and non-robotic — products for you too.

What Product Can AI build For You?
In the book, I’ll teach you the three types of products AI can currently build for you:

1. A book (like the one I’m selling)

2. An audio course

3. A video course
We’ll walk through each of these examples, and I’ll show you how ALL THREE are possible to build within the 24 hour time frame I’ve set.

And again, I know it’s possible because I chose the hardest one and did it myself.

This book is 90 pages long, filled with images, text, stories, and most importantly actionable content that will get you results.

Who Can This Book Help?

I’ve bene lucky enough to build a substantial information product business over the years. My first one was teaching people how to play piano, and the largest one was helping CEO’s reach their goals.

All in all, I’ve sold information products in over 20 different niches ranging from persuasion to video games.

And that’s why I made sure this book could help you, regardless of what you’re wanting to teach people.

This book was specifically built to help people with interests like…

  • Health and fitness: Weight loss, nutrition, exercise routines, etc
  • Personal development: Self-improvement, productivity, etc
  • Making money: Digital marketing, freelancing, etc
  • Dating: Dating advice, relationship improvement, etc
  • Parenting: Pregnancy, homeschooling, etc
  • Hobbies and interests: Photography, cooking, gardening, etc
  • Beauty and fashion: Skincare, makeup, haircare, and fashion tips.
  • Spirituality: Personal growth, spiritual healing, etc
  • Investing: Stock market, cryptocurrencies, etc
  • Career and business: Entrepreneurship, management, etc
  • Technology: Programming, graphic design, etc
  • Travel: Budget travel, Adventures, etc
  • Pets: Dog training, pet care, and breeding.
  • Crafts: DIY projects, sewing, etc
  • Home improvement: Interior design, renovations, etc
  • Alternative medicine: Herbal remedies, aromatherapy, etc1
  • Sports and outdoors: Training, coaching, etc

If you’ve got a product idea - or an inclination - in an area like this, then this book is for you.

Launch It! Could be the push you need to get you over the edge.

Think about it this way…

What Has Been Holding You Back?

If you're reading this letter, then I would bet something has been holding you back from releasing a product or expanding your business.

And since I've been at this game for a while, I have an idea of what it might be: either time or money.

That's what it is 99% of the time.

In fact, I would say most “procrastination” comes from people who are running out of one of these two important factors. Well, that and the fear of it failing, but that’s an easy one that I tackle in the book.

The great news is, there isn’t a single service I mention in this book that isn’t either free, or has a very generous free trial.

If you follow this direction and actually create a product in 24 hours, you'll have plenty of time to aim for sales before spending a dime. Again, what a freakin' time to be alive.

And, if I was a betting man, which of course I’m not… I would bet that the TIME factor is even the biggest issue.

I mean, who really has time to sit around and write a 90 page book, or build out a 6 week course from scratch?

I actually have data on that. I’ve worked with over 10,000 students, like you, who are doing just that.

I can tell you this:

Roughly 96% of the people who set out to make a course or write a book don’t finish.

That is about to change, but the trick is going to be seizing this opportunity before the market gets crowded. Well, at least in your niche.

Grab your copy now!

... and learn how to launch your next business in 24 hours.

This Book Has Everything You Need To Crush It

…and I can’t wait to send it to you.

As for the price, I don’t really care about charging a lot for this.

The truth is, I own the AI product I’m using for this sales funnel, so it helps me just to get the world out.

Most books I buy on Amazon are about $14, but they’re also a long read.

This is not.

This is a quick read.

You can nail through it in an afternoon or two easy, and I made it like that on purpose.

As you’ll see, I just present the facts in this thing. I’m not here to include a ton of filler so you feel like “you got your money’s worth”.

Instead, I just want to give you the important stuff, that you can use to build something killer right now.

That’s it.

Here’s What To Do Next

The cost of the book is only $5.99.

I picked that amount out of thin air.

It seemed cheap, doable, and I think anyone who is serious can afford to spend that instead of a Starbucks double-shot frappachino this afternoon (or a Philz if you're in San Francisco).

I’m only going to sell it on this website, and you can download it immediately after purchase.

If you are interested in launching a new product in 24 hours - or even your first online business - then click here to order now:

So that’s it.

If you want to launch something fast, and like me you don’t want to spend weeks doing it, then this book might be for you.

Thanks for checking it out!

Trey Smith

P.S. - We've included both a PDF version of the book and an ePub version that you can use on your Amazon Kindle or Apple Books. Super easy to read, grab it below:

Launch It Is Sold Out
About The Author: Trey Smith
Trey Smith is an experienced entrepreneur with a passion for education. He is the founder of Game Academy®, the largest online course company that has helped over 7,000 people create video games. Trey also founded Buildbox®, the largest no-code game software in Silicon Valley, which he successfully exited in 2019. Most recently, Trey has co-founded and AutoFunnel.AI with his longtime friend and business partner, Nik Rudenko.

Trey's entrepreneurial journey began with a simple course teaching people how to play the piano. Since then, he has focused on creating information products, software, and video games. Drawing on his vast knowledge and experience, Trey now helps others achieve their dream of starting an online business.
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